Unveiling 3 startling data breach facts

Don’t get caught off guard! It’s crucial to be aware of the growing number of data breaches that result in scams. Don’t fall for offers that seem too good to be true. Never give out your personal or financial details to unknown contacts, and always watch for signs of phishing. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe from data breach.

Data breach is a situation where data is exposed to unauthorized user. It can be due to a number of reasons, but it’s mostly because of human error or hacking.

Therefore, the question is how severe the impact of a data breach will be. Especially, when personal records are stolen. This will definitely keep us up at night, right?


Here are 3 facts about data breach that you should know:

1) Data breach can lead to identity theft 

If your personal information is compromised in a data breach, it can lead to identity theft and frauds. Identity theft can lead to people having their bank accounts drained, repossessions and even arrests data bubbles up like every day in law enforcement without anyone looking for an answer. Business across industries take losses as millions of dollars are stolen at businesses by perpetrators who present with stolen identity.

Sample of a data breach smishing scam that pretends to be from Netflix

2) Cyber security software doesn’t prevent all types of attacks 

The most common type of cyber attacks are phishing attacks which cyber security software cannot protect against. Phishing attacks is very common and sometimes unsuspicious. This is how scammers get victims. They are very crafty and specifically target users by acting as a seemingly innocent message. They’ll use deceptive emails, websites, or phone alerts to try and trick people into handing over their money, passwords, or sensitive information. Like a text message from Netflix saying your subscription is expiring or there’s a problem with your billing. DON’T CLICK ON ANY LINKS AND DELETE THE MESSAGE IMMEDIATELY!


3) Identity theft is one of the most common consequences of data breach

This happens when hackers use your personal information to open credit cards or loans in your name. That’s horrifying!


Ultimately, in this era of data breach, identity scams and increasingly desperate criminals, it’s no surprise that every one of us are faced with the fear. Thus, arm yourself with knowledge so you can enjoy life worry-free!